Monday 9 December 2019

What makes a good life?

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First of all, the main point of the Harvard study is to find out what exactly make people happy and healthy. They researched over 7 hundreds adults since there were still teenager. This study has already lasted for 70 years.

Secondly, i am not surprised by Dr. Robert’s findings, because I believed that good relationship can make people healthier physically and mentally. Friends and families can provide you some supports when you are sad, they can provide some advices when you are confused.

Last but not the least, I totally agree with the lecturer. A good connection can make a good life. Life is not just about the making money or become celebrity. There are more than that for us to explore.

What makes a good life?

View on Vocaroo >> First of all, the main point of the Harvard study is to find out what exactly make people happy and healthy. ...