Saturday 28 September 2019

Transport of the future

definition: If something is authentic, it is real, true, or what people say it is.
ex: He was there and saw what happened, so his is the only authentic account.

definition: the use of machines and computers that can operate without needing human control.
ex:  Automation and robotics have decreased the need for a large, highly skilled work force.

definition:  action taken to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse.
ex: Repeated interventions on the currency markets have failed to prevent the value of the currency falling.

definition: the act of rising and floating, or making someone rise or float, in the air without any physical support.
ex: One of his most famous illusions was levitation, in which he caused his wife to rise from the stage.

definition: very unlikely to be true, and difficult to believe.
ex: Her story about being chased away from school by wolves seems pretty far-fetched.

Thursday 19 September 2019

Q: Are the speaking and listening tests difficult for you?
In my opinion, I think that listening part is easier than the speaking part. As for why, that is mainly because after a month of training, my listening skill has been enhanced to a higher level. However, I still have some obstacles in the speaking part since I don't have a lot of opportunities to speak in English. Hence, I have few chances to improve my pronunciation.

Q:What are the challenges you often face when you listen and speak in English?
In the listening part, the thing which is most challenging to me is to translate what I just listened. I have few seconds to translate the sentence. Most importantly, sometimes we might meet some words that we don't familiar with. As  a consequence, it becomes harder when we try to understand the next part.
In the speaking part, I hold the opinion that students in Taiwan lack of way to refine their speaking. For example, I can just record what I said when I was training my speaking ability for the reason that I have no money to go to a tutor school. And then I listen to what I just said so that I can make some adjustment to my speaking.

Sunday 15 September 2019

My new plan this year

I have several plans for this new semester. I was preparing the Toefl test during the summer vacation  so that I can apply the exchange program in NTUB on November. I always want to go to Europe to travel. Therefore, I have to earn the money as much as I can to cover the travel expense in the future.
Moreover, I also want to learn a second foreign language which is related to the country that I want to go to exchange. In the same, I hope that I can keep all my grade of academic subject in a excellent level.  Hopefully, everything will go according to my plan.

What makes a good life?

View on Vocaroo >> First of all, the main point of the Harvard study is to find out what exactly make people happy and healthy. ...